The Sistema Museale di Ateneo supports and promotes museum structures in carrying out their institutional tasks of scientific research, cultural promotion, conservation, restoration, cataloging, and display of artifacts, documents, and memorabilia, collection enhancement, exhibition activities, and support for the teaching activities of the University and schools of all levels.

Il Sistema Museale di Ateneo is a service of the Area Beni Culturali. It is mentioned in art. 33 of the University Statute currently in force and has its own by-laws.

Organizational chart
Scientific Council (2022-2025 Term)

prof. Paolo Mazzarello (Director Museo Kosmos), dr. Carla Garbarino (Director del Museo Camillo Golgi), prof. Silvia Assini (Direttrice Orto Botanico), prof. Carlo Berizzi (Director Museo della Tecnica Elettrica), prof. Massimiliano Guido (Representative of the Musical Instruments Collection), prof. Lucio Fregonese (Director Museo per la Storia dell’Università), prof. Massimiliano Malgieri (Director Museo di Fisica), prof. Maurizio Licchelli (Director Museo di Chimica), prof.ssa Lucia Anna Stivala (Rappresentante Collezioni di Medicina), prof. Riccardo Rosso (Representative of the Mathematic Collections), prof.ssa Maria Gabriella Cusella (Representative of the Anatomy Collection), Ing. Lorenzo Duico (Area Beni Culturali manager).

Technical Management Committee

eng. Lorenzo Duico (Area Beni Culturali manager), dr. Francesca Cattaneo (Head of Service of the Sistema Museale di Ateneo), dr. Francesco Pietra (Curator of the Museum of Electrical Technology), dr. Anna Letizia Magrassi (Curator of the Archeology Museuma), dr. Paolo Guaschi, dr. Stefano Maretti e dr. Edoardo Razzetti (Curators of Kosmos – Natural History Museum), dr. Nicola M.G. Ardenghi (Curator of the Botanic Garden).