Kosmos Natural History Museum

In its modern setup at Palazzo Botta, Kosmos offers an exploration of the natural world and a journey through the history of science.

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Museum of Electrical Technology

Located in the Cravino Educational Center, it narrates the fascinating history of the most important scientific discoveries and inventions related to the study of electricity from its origins to the present day.

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Pavia University History Museum

Overlooking the Courtyard of the Fallen Soldiers in the central university building, it preserves manuscripts, printed texts, scientific instruments, anatomical and naturalistic preparations that bear witness to the history of one of the oldest university

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Botanic Garden

Founded in 1773 and recently undergoing a complete renovation, it houses collections of live plants, botanical models, and architectural elements that outline its history since the late 18th century.

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Golgi Museum

Within Palazzo Botta, the history of the General Pathology Laboratory of Camillo Golgi, the first Italian to receive the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1906, is reconstructed in its original location.

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Museum of Archaeology

It is one of the oldest university archaeological collections in Italy, established for educational and research purposes.

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Mineralogy Museum

Located within the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Via Ferrata, 1), it traces its origins to the section dedicated to the mineral kingdom of the Natural History Museum founded by Lazzaro Spallanzani in the eighteenth century.

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Chemistry Museum

The Department of Chemistry houses analysis instruments, glassware, reagents and archive material.

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Historical collections

Other museum collections. Includes: Musical instruments, mathematics, Histology and Embryology, Physiology, human anatomy

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