Consultation of Archival Material

Consultation of documentary material is free and open to the public, upon request via email addressed to the museum director who holds the material.

Video Recording, Photography, and Publications

It is possible to take photographs and videos of the heritage, subject to authorization from the relevant museum director. For requests for commercial purposes or journalistic services, authorization is granted by the Rector or their delegate. The request must be addressed to the museum director, who will forward it to the competent authorities.

Loans for Exhibitions

Loan requests for exhibitions must be submitted to the relevant museum director, accompanied by a scientific project and facility report. A reasonable advance notice is required to examine the documentation, considering the time needed to request authorization from the competent Superintendencies (at least 4 months before the start of the event).

Use of Spaces

For requests to use the Golgi and Spallanzani hall, the Museum of Electrical Technology halls, the Botanical Garden, and the garden of the Kosmos Museum, please refer to the information provided on this page. The request must be sent via email to